SEO and Social Media Marketing Services
It’s our business to keep up with the latest web technologies and innovative online marketing strategies. We’ve done the research, so that you don’t have to. Missing Monk Studios can help you with your social media marketing requirements.
We’ve been working with the usual online services like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and some other lessor known Social Media vehicles you might utilize to drive more traffic to you site. Posting video, creating podcasts, submitting articles and more for quite some time now. Having insanely great content in the social world, is equally as essential to drive traffic to your website as it is to have quality content on your website.
Having great Content on your site is just the first step, you need to explore every other avenue you can use to drive traffic to your website. Some of these avenues include items such as article marketing, social bookmarking, link building, utilization of web 2.0 properties, press releases, directory submission, video promotion, local marketing, email marketing and some good old fashion direct mail marketing.
The belief that, one avenue alone will increase your traffic and help your web site rise higher in the search engine rankings is unrealistic. One strategy alone will not generate a significant amount of traffic.
You need a combination of numerous strategies to significantly increase your web page rankings and visits to you website.
Article marketing as a single source only provides one stream of traffic, despite the fact that you can't submit to, to many different article directories. The theory of article marketing goes that if you submit a bunch of articles to a site or directory then you will get a large number of back links to your site and with all these back links many people will follow.
Once again, an unrealistic assumption. The site hosting your article must have a lot of traffic or you are not going to get much return traffic to your site. Many article host sites use the no follow tag so your site may not get any link love and lastly even if the article directory is a highly respected directory, the page rank of the page where your article is will be very low (usually zero) so you will not get any page rank flowing from the article and as such it will not increase your page ranking…
Feel free to contact us about your digital marketing needs and allow us to create a program especially designed to fit your needs.
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Missing Monk Studio
Web Development and
Graphic Design
430 Tall Oaks Lane
Richardson, TX 75081
Tel 214.228.5146
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